What, you don't think I got moves? 'Cause I got moves! The spoon falls on one of the fireplace statues' face, opening the secret basement) Phew! Where's the tea cup? (The tea cup falls from the mantle, Penelope catches it, breathes out. (Hobie eats falling biscuits, Penelope falls screaming 'I got it!' but catches only the lemon, and Rapunzel catches the tray itself)ĭon't forget the lemon. (Penelope smiles and beats the table with her tail. (Penelope begins to breathe and produces only a little bit of it. (Rapunzel puts the herb in the teapot, hangs it on the hook in the fireplace and stirs the wood) (goes up) I've taken care of you since you were a baby and this is how you thank me? By frittering away your time, painting? This is atrocious. You're supposed to keep the house in a perfect order. (Gothel goes up, one of the steps squeaks) Oh, really? Did you make the beds? Swept the floors? Weed the garden?īeat the rugs? Wax the table? Polish the silver? What's that? Painting again! What about your duties? (Hobie and Penelope run away, Gothel notices a paint spot on Rapunzel's face) You steeped that tea for six minutes, I expect six and a half minutes. (Hobie and Penelope make Rapunzel signs of her having paint on her cheek, Rapunzel doesn't understand) Gothel opens the door, Rapunzel meets her) Gothel goes to the door, Rapunzel runs there, checking if she looks fine. Gothel opens the magic wall and rides inside, then wall closes for itself. (Penelope drops a can with brushes, Hobie gets it. Go Rapunzel, go! I'll put your art stuff away. And see nothing but open sky, for miles and miles. One day, I'm going to walk along a beach just like this one. Look at this! I mean, look at this painting! I can smell the salt water. Ok, ok Hobie, we would not want anyone fainting around here. I see 'em, stars in front of me eyes! (falls)

Oh! Do you hear that, Rapunzel? It's my stomach grumbling. And more importantly, kept a young girl hidden inside. It was concealed behind a magic wall which kept intruders out.
Barbie as rapunzel full#
The woods were whispered to be full of monsters and dragons.Īnd even if you were brave enough to go into the forest. Once, long long ago, in the time of castles, kingsĪnd magic (cut into Barbie's painting, then into the forest), there was a secret manor hidden deep in dark forest. (sits on the couch) But.you probably don't want to hear it. It's about a girl whose paintings saved her life. Me? But what if I don't have any good ideas?Īnd take away the best part? Kelly, you can create anything you imagine. Kelly is ready to start painting Barbie is already painting) The rabbit soon hears Gothel coming and the two help her put away her art supplies before Gothel arrives.(Barbie and Kelly are in the paint studio. Penelope is first seen along with Hobie as Rapunzel starts painting. The inside of her large ears and her palms are pink. She has three big toes on each foot, with sharp beige claws. She has long arms and stumpy legs with big feet. Penelope's tail is so large, she accidentally knocks things over with it from time to time. Her neck, chest, belly and the web of her wings are beige, and so are the horns from the top of her head to the end of her tail. Penelope has large blue-green eyes and long eyelashes, and small white teeth. She resembles him in that they are both purple, but the similarities end there Penelope has much softer features than her father, and her scales are brighter. Penelope is much smaller than her father. Penelope is a young dragon, though she finds it hard to fit through human doorways and she is around Rapunzel's height. Penelope sometimes finds Hobie irritating due to him being sarcastic a lot of the time. She is also loyal to Rapunzel and tries to help her whenever she can, which contrasts Hobie, who is always more logical and reluctant. Penelope is polite and supportive of Rapunzel and her artwork, and she can think quickly when she and her friends are in trouble.

However, when her father says she is a real dragon, she becomes more confident in her abilities. Penelope feels as if her father is never happy around her, much to her dismay, and tells Hobie he never smiles around her. She is afraid of any insects, also snakes and spiders, and heights, though later she carries Rapunzel over the magic wall. Her father finds her lack of flying and fire-breathing skills disappointing as she is meant to be terrifying. She is very helpful and eager to prove her dragon abilities to her friends, her father and herself.

Penelope is a nice, funny, and clumsy young dragon.